Bleeding Gums: Causes, Treatment and Prevention 

Have you been dealing with frequent gum bleeding lately? If so, you may have gingivitis, the earliest stage of gum or periodontal disease. If not treated, the chronic condition can progress and lead to serious oral health problems, including painful chewing, loose teeth, and tooth loss. The good news is that early gum disease can be treated successfully with meticulous oral hygiene habits and a little help from your dedicated team at Bridget Singh, DDS

What Are the Causes of Bleeding Gums? 

Bleeding gums are usually the result of poor oral hygiene. When plaque is not removed regularly by brushing and flossing, the gums can become irritated and inflamed, leading to bleeding, especially when you brush and floss. 

Without timely intervention, gum disease can be a serious matter for your smile. The condition can progress and gradually damage the bone and tissues supporting your teeth, leading to loose teeth and, eventually, tooth loss. Harmful bacteria can also enter the bloodstream, causing serious health concerns. Periodontal disease has been linked to heart disease, stroke, respiratory problems, and even pregnancy complications!

What Are Signs of Gum Disease?

Aside from bleeding gums, early gum disease may show subtle symptoms like red or puffy gums. As the condition progresses, patients often experience pain when chewing, persistent bad breath, tooth sensitivity, and gum recession that may leave the teeth looking longer. 

As the damage to the supportive structures continues, the teeth may shift or move out of position and no longer fit together the way they did when you closed your mouth. In its advanced stages, periodontal disease can lead to loose teeth and tooth loss. The devastating condition is one of the leading causes of tooth loss in adults. 

How Are Bleeding Gums Treated?

The first line of treatment for gingivitis or periodontal disease is a deep dental cleaning known as scaling and root planing. We will remove plaque and tartar that have built up on your teeth and along your gum line, followed by cleaning and smoothing your tooth root surfaces to promote gum tissue healing. Laser treatment may also be necessary to eradicate harmful bacteria from your gingival pockets. 

After treatment, you may need to schedule periodontal maintenance visits every 3-4 months. We will clean your teeth, assess your gum health, and may recommend intervention, if needed, to restore your healthy smile. 

How Can You Lower the Risk of Bleeding Gums?

Maintaining good home oral hygiene practices, including regular brushing and flossing, is the best way to keep your gums healthy. It’s also essential to keep up with your regular dental exams and cleanings. If we see any signs of gum disease, we will recommend prompt treatment to keep your smile at its best for many years to come. 

Periodontal Care Near Me in Seattle, WA

If you have bleeding gums or see any other signs of gum disease, don’t wait. Contact Bridget Singh, DDS, right away. Early treatment can often reverse gingivitis, restoring your gum health. If your gum disease has already progressed, treating it can help prevent its devastating impacts on your oral health. Dr. Singh and our team are committed to helping our patients maintain healthy, beautiful smiles that last a lifetime. We invite you to schedule a consultation by using this link or calling our office at 206-399-3775.