What Are the Benefits of Tooth-Colored Fillings?

Gone are the days when repairing a cavity meant flashing a silver smile. At Bridget Singh, DDS, we offer tooth-colored fillings, an aesthetic solution for restoring decayed teeth while maintaining seamless smiles. Our durable restorations will enhance your oral health and keep you smiling your best for many years to come. 

What Are Tooth-Colored Fillings?

Tooth-colored fillings, otherwise known as white fillings, are made from an aesthetic composite resin material that we closely match to your natural teeth. They mimic many of the qualities of your tooth enamel, including its translucency and resistance to wear and tear. Tooth-colored fillings are practically indistinguishable from your natural teeth, providing an aesthetic solution to repair cavities and restore your smile. 

What Are the Benefits of Tooth-Colored Fillings?

Our tooth-colored dental fillings offer numerous benefits, including the following:

  • Natural Look: Tooth-colored fillings blend seamlessly with your natural teeth, enhancing the appearance of your smile. 
  • More Conservative: The composite filling procedure requires less tooth structure removal than traditional fillings, preserving more of your natural tooth. 
  • Less Sensitivity: The composite resin filling material does not conduct heat and cold as metal fillings do, reducing sensitivity and discomfort resulting from temperature changes.
  • Safer: Tooth-colored fillings are made from a metal and mercury-free biocompatible material, reducing sensitivity and the risk of adverse reactions. 
  • Versatile: Aside from cavity repair, our aesthetic restorations can help repair chipped, broken, or worn teeth, delivering seamless results. 
  • Durable: Composite fillings are strong, durable, and resistant to wear and tear, lasting many years with proper care and maintenance. 

What Is the Tooth-Colored Filling Process? 

Your process begins with a consultation with Dr. Singh, who will evaluate the extent of decay or damage and recommend the most conservative solution to restore your smile. If tooth-colored fillings are right for you, our accomplished dentist will numb the area using a local anesthetic for your comfort before removing the decayed or damaged tooth structure. Dr. Singh is dedicated to preserving as much of your healthy tooth structure as possible. 

Dr. Singh will clean, reshape, and prepare the tooth for the filling. Next, she will place the filling material, shape it to resemble your natural tooth, and use a curing light to harden it. The composite resin material bonds to the tooth structure, forming an impenetrable seal that helps strengthen the tooth and lowers the risk of new decay or damage. 

After placing your filling, Dr. Singh will polish it for a natural sheen and make any needed adjustments to ensure a comfortable bite. The entire procedure usually requires just one visit to our Seattle practice, allowing you to return to your regular routine in no time. 

Tooth-Colored Fillings Near Me in Seattle, WA

Contact Bridget Singh, DDS, to learn more about restoring a decayed or damaged tooth with a tooth-colored filling. Dr. Singh and our patient-centered team are dedicated to delivering top-tier care, ensuring you maintain a bright, seamless smile for years to come. We invite you to schedule a consultation by using this link or calling our office at 206-399-3775.