Restoring Your Smile with a Dental Crown

At Bridget Singh DDS, we are committed to helping our valued patients maintain pain-free, beautiful smiles. We are pleased to offer a range of restorative dentistry options, including ceramic crowns, to strengthen weak or damaged teeth, restoring their form and function. Our high-quality restorations look and feel like natural teeth, delivering seamless smiles. 

What Is a Dental Crown and Why Would You Need One? 

A dental crown is a custom dental restoration that encases the visible portions of a damaged tooth, restoring its natural shape, size, strength, and appearance. At Bridget Singh DDS, we offer ceramic crowns made of a durable, aesthetic material for superior results. 

There are many reasons Dr. Singh may recommend a dental crown, including the following: 

  • To repair a tooth with severe damage due to deep decay or trauma
  • To hold together the pieces of a fractured or broken tooth
  • To protect a tooth that’s weakened due to wear and tear
  • To strengthen a tooth after root canal therapy
  • To cover a dental implant or support a dental bridge
  • To improve the appearance of discolored, worn, or misshapen teeth

What Is the Dental Crown Procedure? 

Dental crowns typically require two dental appointments. Dr. Singh will start by administering a dental anesthetic to ensure you are comfortable. Once the area is numb, she will reshape the affected tooth to make room for your new restoration. Next, she will take impressions of your teeth to provide a blueprint for our local dental laboratory to create your new custom crown. The last step is placing a temporary crown on the prepared tooth to protect it. 

During a follow-up visit, Dr. Singh will check your permanent crown to ensure it matches your surrounding teeth and provides a perfect fit before cementing it in place. She will make any adjustments necessary for a comfortable bite and optimal function. Your new crown will look and feel like a natural tooth, enhancing your oral health and the function of your smile. 

Caring for Your New Dental Crown

The best way to keep your smile healthy and ensure the longevity of your new dental crown is to maintain good oral hygiene practices. These include brushing your teeth at least twice a day and flossing daily. Make sure to visit your dentist for your twice-yearly dental exams and cleanings. Dr. Singh will ensure your natural teeth and restorations stay in tip-top shape. With proper care, your new dental crown can enhance your smile for many years to come!

Ceramic Crowns Near Me in Seattle, WA

If you would like to learn more about repairing a painful or damaged tooth and restoring your smile with a custom dental crown, contact Bridget Singh, DDS, today! Dr. Singh and her team are committed to providing high-quality, durable restorations for long-term, healthy smiles. We invite you to schedule a consultation by using this link or calling our office at 206-399-3775.