Healthy Habits for Healthy Teeth 

Good oral care habits are key to keeping dental disease at bay. A little effort on your part and some help from your trusted team at Bridget Singh, DDS, will ensure you enjoy healthy teeth and beautiful smiles that last a lifetime. Here is a look at some healthy habits to promote long-term healthy smiles. 

Brush Your Teeth Regularly

We recommend brushing your teeth at least twice a day for two minutes with a soft-bristled toothbrush and fluoride toothpaste. Brush gently in circular motions to dislodge plaque and food debris. If not removed, plaque can harden to tartar, which only a dental professional can remove. Never go to bed without brushing your teeth to get rid of the germs and plaque accumulated throughout the day. 

Flossing Is Just as Important 

Flossing helps remove plaque, food particles, and debris from those hard-to-reach areas between your teeth. It also helps to stimulate the gum tissue and lower inflammation in the area. Flossing once a day significantly reduces the risk of tooth decay, gum disease, and bad breath. 

Drink More Water

Water is nature’s healthiest drink, which not only offers benefits to your overall health but also contributes to a healthier smile. We highly recommend drinking water after every meal to neutralize acids in your mouth and wash away food debris. 

Consume Crunchy Fruits and Vegetables

Rather than reaching for a sugary or starchy treat, opt for crunchy fruits and vegetables. Not only do these food options contain essential nutrients that help keep your gums and teeth healthy, but they also act like natural toothbrushes, scraping away plaque and stimulating blood flow in the gums. 

Limit Sugary and Acidic Foods

Sugary and acidic foods are every tooth’s nightmare. Sugar increases the risk of decay, while acids contribute to tooth enamel erosion, leaving your oral health at risk. We highly recommend limiting acidic foods and choosing healthier alternatives. If you must have a sugary or acidic treat, make sure to rinse with water right after to minimize damage to your teeth. 

Wear a Protective Mouthguard

Teeth grinding and clenching (bruxism) can leave you at risk for tooth wear or fracture, facial pain, morning headaches, and even TMJ pain. A custom night guard can safeguard your teeth and relieve the symptoms of bruxism. If you are involved in contact sports, we recommend wearing a sports mouthguard to lower the risk of sports-related dental injuries like broken teeth or damage to the tongue or jaws. 

See Your Dentist at Least Twice a Year

Regular dental exams and cleanings are critical to maintaining healthy smiles. Your dental exams allow us to uncover problems in their earliest stages, allowing for prompt treatment. Dental cleanings are just as important because they help remove plaque and tartar buildup, reducing the risk of tooth decay, periodontal (gum) disease, and other oral health problems. They also remove surface tooth stains, leaving you with a whiter, brighter smile. 

Preventive Dental Care Near Me in Seattle, WA

Dr. Singh and our dedicated team at Bridget Singh, DDS, are advocates of prevention rather than treating dental problems after they develop. We are pleased to offer a range of preventive dentistry services to help you maintain healthy teeth and gums. We are also happy to provide tips on maintaining healthy habits for long-term healthy smiles. We invite you to schedule a consultation by using this link or by calling our office at 206-399-3775.